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Tuesday 17 November 2015

What I learned today

It’s amazing what you can learn in just a day! Truly amazing.

Especially about oneself; there is just that one day that the school of life just decides to set up shop in your half-a-day and you’d only do better than to ignore it.

So today, I hosted the entire campus and yeah; I think it is wiser to have it in the public domain instead of selfishly copyrighting it.

You’d ask why I am so excited to write about myself and honestly I’d grapple in my response, but I would ask how amazing it would be if those stories you keep hidden in that volatile memory of yours were to be penned down and published.

My optimistic self ambitiously thinks the world would be a better place; because, really, all these challenges, dilemmas and triumphs we experience are not entirely new. 

The truth is that thousands, even millions others have experienced them albeit in a different context.

As such a priceless database (or call it menu) would be at our disposal from where we can choose from.

That doesn’t mean we would not be allowed to travel the unbeaten path (if that really exists).

Don’t underestimate yourself

When I walked into that interview room I couldn’t help but remember my previous experiences; the intimidation, fear of the unknown and unsettling tension; more like that bull that obediently follows its owner into the slaughterhouse not really sure if it’s being prepared for the next exhibition of livestock success at the ASK showground or the inevitable conversion into an array of 'cancer-causing' delicacies or just regular smokies (if they are really made using beef).

Turns out this time round I was halfway over the inexplicable disquiet I am still researching on, despite the subtly tough questioning. 

When I was done I realized how naïve I must have been to have pumped myself up with so much negative energy.

You are the best

This reminds me of Eva, a good friend of mine (interestingly, I never really got to know her second name) who has had this whatsapp status for a couple of months now. “I’m the smartest, I’m the best,” it reads.

And that’s how exactly her life is turning out; smarter and better.

Or my high school principal, who believed that his school needed and had to be the best in the province. He lived on the number-twos-are-irrelevant principle and he made sure we got that in our heads; at least until we were no longer under his watch.

Nothing could be truer than that. We rarely see businesses named after the man who came second to president Obama (in fact  I don't know who); neither do we get so excited about the second best footballer in the world or the coach for that matter. Of course with the exception of the ‘chosen one’.

If you are willing to bet on that elusive exception, then sit tight and wait. But for the enlightened ones and the ambitious, there is no pride in coming second.

At this juncture you will be forgiven to think I nailed it this afternoon; just hold on a little bit longer.

Ask, ask, and always ask

Instructions are crucial, so very just like it was in the beginning of mankind. If you read the Bible then you are familiar with the forbidden fruit and how curiosity and recklessness made us these beings we are today. You might not admit this, but I know you imagine how life would be if Adam had just followed the terms and conditions. 

There are two things that made our Biblical forefather trip; either he didn’t understand the instructions or he forgot/ignored them.

I cannot stress enough how much we need to seek knowledge, direction and clarification for issues, concepts and messages that we interact with in whatever sphere.

I learned that today.

Don’t beat yourself up

You made a mistake? Yes. You stumbled; you disappointed yourself or fell short of expectations? But you are alive and you’ve got another day to make it right.

So in just one day I appreciated the need to beat the dust off and to move on without regrets because genius is just a concept. 

Instead, letting every fall be a lesson actually works positively with your ego and can actually transform mediocre news anchor into a reputable media consultant.


If you believe in a higher order above all this humongous confusion that is humanity, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re a skeptic you might want to ‘experiment’ with the power of prayer and living a conscientious life.

You can never go wrong with constant prayer and hard work. If you are working hard towards getting brand visibility for that start-up or landing that dream job or just every single thing that means something to you; add prayer as a vital ingredient and see what happens.

Just to elaborate; try eating a boiled egg without adding salt and tell me how it tastes!

And least I forget,

It’s a rainy season and I know you really value those bright clothes. If you don’t own some wheels, this revelation that I am making public will prove valuable.

Try not to walk too close to the road especially near puddles of water (or worse raw sewage!) because our very talented motorists will be glad to add an array of colourful shades to that khaki trousers you reserve for worthy events (it happened to me).

Think you can possibly learn more in a day than I did? Share your experiences/thoughts/reactions in the comments section.