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Friday 28 February 2014

A Letter to my deceitful friend

Dear Friend

I met you in high school, although I had heard a lot about you as I grew up. They had mixed feelings about you which even made you more intriguing. My teacher was really against you and some of us had already developed fear.

High school brought a new leash of freedom to me, this included freedom of thought and perception. At that time I developed strong opinions about almost every other thing that previously had been monopolized by parents and religion. And it felt so good! I was becoming quite open-minded.

That is when I decided to approach you. At first it was not easy, some of my peers had already hit it off with you and they made every effort to flaunt their daringness. I was envious they were having a good time and no one knew about it.

But you made it even worse for me, when I tried you made me feel like dirt. Everything felt so wrong and I was in guilt. However I kept appearances, the exploit you presented was worth breaking a norm or two, or so I thought.

Eventually I blended in well and you showed me how to belong. We really became tight and even my newly found friends would mention you a lot in our conversations. I knew I could count on you and the few friends who confided in you kept you as a well-guarded secret lest someone got a whiff of you as we hurriedly interacted.

Our escapades were many even after high school, I got friends to like you and you also judged who I interacted with. Those weekend parties you were largely involved and on the balcony you always topped up after the drinks were finished. We coughed occasionally but your charms were so profound that we didn’t mind.
Teenagers learning how to smoke in a college dorm

I invoked your noble wisdom when I was in tricky situations. Of course I had to pay for transport but your presence superseded. Like when my house was broken into we sat for hours pondering. Or when my relationship with whatever her name was hit the wall, you were there for me. Anger management was your specialty and I relied on your prescription to keep cool.

But then I started having doubts about you. For a wrong time I kept convincing myself I was wrong, you were as nice to the rest as you were to me. Worse still you broke our deal many times and every time I needed you more it cost me even more. I had to have you every day even it meant lying to get some money for you. You allowed installments that cheated me the whole cost wouldn’t hurt.....

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Obama's onslaught on Africa's Sovereignty Unwarranted

The fact that President Barack Obama has threatened to cut aid to Uganda due to the passing of the anti-gayism legislation is an bold affront to not only the country's democracy but  the sovereignity of Africa as a whole.

Overdependence on foreign aid is a major factor that  has hindered development of Africa's economies and made them not differentiate themselves in terms of production methods diversificatiom of economic activities where they have been forced to conform to rigid standards.

Obey or perish is the philosophy guiding our west partners in supressing us and colonizing even our most sacred social-cultural lifestyles.

Its funny that the US would cut financila aid that helps people ailing in uganda on grounds of a law that seeks to protect the cultural heritage of the country, rather than against the dictatorial tendencies that have described Musevenis Governance

***photo courtesy of google

Tuesday 11 February 2014

AIDS: we dont fear you

A disease that was early in the 1990s declared a national disaster is now something that people talk about casually in the streets and actually make all manner of jokes about provided they are not infected and seamlessly been forgotten.

AIDS a a once clear death-sentence responsible for thousands of deaths every year and millions of money in drugs and management of families and not to mention the endless loss of skilled personell plus the subsequent loss of job creations that  would have been should be more seriously regarded than how it is nowadays.

particularly in campus casual sex and fwbs and all kinds of fornication are probably at a higher level than any other time in history (considering the high levels of promisquity in medieval Rome and slave sex!) who good for them STIs were unheard of.

I wont say anti-AIDS campaigns or quarantines and more provision of sheaths or all that sort of preventive mechanisms should be I think we ..........................................................................