Guest Stats

Tuesday 11 February 2014

AIDS: we dont fear you

A disease that was early in the 1990s declared a national disaster is now something that people talk about casually in the streets and actually make all manner of jokes about provided they are not infected and seamlessly been forgotten.

AIDS a a once clear death-sentence responsible for thousands of deaths every year and millions of money in drugs and management of families and not to mention the endless loss of skilled personell plus the subsequent loss of job creations that  would have been should be more seriously regarded than how it is nowadays.

particularly in campus casual sex and fwbs and all kinds of fornication are probably at a higher level than any other time in history (considering the high levels of promisquity in medieval Rome and slave sex!) who good for them STIs were unheard of.

I wont say anti-AIDS campaigns or quarantines and more provision of sheaths or all that sort of preventive mechanisms should be I think we ..........................................................................

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