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Wednesday 26 February 2014

Obama's onslaught on Africa's Sovereignty Unwarranted

The fact that President Barack Obama has threatened to cut aid to Uganda due to the passing of the anti-gayism legislation is an bold affront to not only the country's democracy but  the sovereignity of Africa as a whole.

Overdependence on foreign aid is a major factor that  has hindered development of Africa's economies and made them not differentiate themselves in terms of production methods diversificatiom of economic activities where they have been forced to conform to rigid standards.

Obey or perish is the philosophy guiding our west partners in supressing us and colonizing even our most sacred social-cultural lifestyles.

Its funny that the US would cut financila aid that helps people ailing in uganda on grounds of a law that seeks to protect the cultural heritage of the country, rather than against the dictatorial tendencies that have described Musevenis Governance

***photo courtesy of google

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