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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Hawkers Count Losses as City Council Reigns

With the entry of the county Government mobile businessmen are crying foul as city council askaris have magnified their vigilance and duty of eliminating their crowding effect from the CBD.

Hawkers have numerously found thgemselves walking the unbeaten path of loss-making as their business activities face the wrath of the council officials who are hot on tgheir heels tio ensure they get permanent premises or close shop and relocate to ther less-busier towns.

The are around Globe Cinema Roundabout which is favorite for hawkers' merchandise has been a battleground between hawkers and Council Askaris with constant tear-gas fumes emanating from the place even during the day.

Hawkers along Moi Avenue, Nairobi

Without refuting the fact that they  cause lots of mayhem and discomfort in our perennially busy streets causing constant navigation hitches, these sons and daughters of Kenyans are out to offer themselves better lives rather than result to Crime.

Additionally they provide supplementary ware at ridiculously cheaper prices and also conveniently place them within reach of passer-by. They actually have a large customer base which is peculiarly dynamic, with people literally locating them even with their ever-changing locations. A good example is popular egg and meat-pie hawkers at Nairobi bus station area.

In retrospect chasing these people out of the streets isn't the real solution but rather finding alternative permanent strategic solutions to them would reduce their encroachment. although some will argue that settling the current will only give birth to a new breed of other enthusiasts the latter is yet to be seen.

This comes during an erawhere the government commits to create a myriad job opportunities to its citizens manhandlingof these risk-takers doesn't reflect the same. This is juxtaposed with the constant whining of our Honourables(MP's, Governors, Senators and now very recently County Representatives!) for car grants and pay rises! Conditions of places like 'Tsunami' alias "Grogon",adjacent to Nairobi river are quite sorry if we were to talk of decent examples of resettling hawkers.

two hawkers killed in police battle
Nairobi Hawkers 'ingenious' tactics

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